Sunday, December 12, 2010

Golden Christmas Alpha (Caps and lower case, and punctuation and numbers)

I will eventually have the numbers, and a few punctuation marks.. but for now here are the caps and lower case. Carolyn in my chat box suggested this, and normally I don't take suggestions.. especially for Alphas since they are so time consuming.. but liked the idea so here they are! BTW, there is no drop shadow! 
Here is the preview of the lower case
 The star comes with the scrap kit Golden Christmas.. you just get the lower case in this zip
golden christmas lowercase alpha at 4shared
Here is the preview of the numbers and punctuation
Here is the download link exclusively at 4shared below
Numbers and Punctuations
 Here is the link for the caps. ..You can download below! Present can be snagged
by downloading Golden Christmas Kit from this page!
Golden Christmas Caps